Welcome to Madscientistninja's Gopherhole!
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Again welcome to Madscientistninja, LLC's gopherhole
while most companys support the Web or it's full name
World Wide Web, We the support gophernet, Which is similar
to the Web but more efficent, cheaper and possibly better for
the enviroment.
   Menu  About Us
   Menu  Products

The following is the phlog of Madscientistninja,
If you do not know what a phlog is it is basicly
the samething as a blog but on gopher.
| gopher      |
|   \|        |
|   +blog     |
|   -b=phlog  |
The phlog is about the technical progress and
projects at Madscientistninja as well as
product anoucments and other news.
   Text   8/22/19

                  Gophered by Gophernicus/3.1 on OpenBSD/amd64 6.6

  You are visiting this though a Web Mirror if you went to check us out
  on gopher and have a gopher client, Please click the link below.